Tuesday, April 4, 2023

New Mutants #4: Rahne Shows Up To School Dance Inappropriately Dressed

And now time for a very special episode. Stevie Hunter is getting creepy phone calls, and the New Mutants are determined they are going to figure out who it is. Xavier makes them submit a report a plan of action to him to approve.

They trace the call, and then a bunch of shenanigans happen that I'm pretty sure Xavier would not approve happen. Rahne tracks him to a nearby school dance (that they were invited to in a previous comic, as they were local kids they met in the mall), and she busts in in wolf form and chases him out.

Anyway there is a lot of property destruction (oops they caught a building with explosives on fire). They catch him and it turns out it is just a student of Stevie's who is super messed up (he is one of her dance students who associates love with abuse because his parents are shitholes, so he was upset cause Stevie was always nice to him).

Xavier has him taken in by child protective services and promises that he will get him therapy and such. The end.

X-Tra Notes: This one really pushes nothing forward. It's just a one off storyline. It has such a weird vibe to it, and doesn't feel very much like any other story.

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